Brand Protection
Society’s distinctive and industry supported expression
Apiron Technologies has the digital mindset in retail and a fashion ability to innovate through technology with strategy, focus, and purpose. Our e-commerce platform can lead the digital transformation for any fashion brand supporting omni-channel strategies integrated with the most advanced data analytics.
Benefits for Retailers
Promotion Optimization and Planning
We assess the success of promotions and the drivers behind it. The promotion planning is evaluated by closely monitoring the promotion spend, discounts, and resulting sales.
Pricing Optimization
Pythia is the technology apparatus for a strategy shift to target the most profitable customers.
Buying Recommendations
Collecting as much data as possible, including data about retailers’ sales, provides the advantage required to stay ahead of the competition.

We can suggest options aligned with consumer behaviour.
Benefits for Brands
Competitor Intelligence
Apiron Technologies offers an overall view of the market positioning on individual product or category level. By combining internal data on sales and external data such as competitor pricing and positioning, opportunities to improve the market positioning are revealed. This directly impacts revenues
Brand Analysis
The company’s solution is to identify how the clients’ marketing and sales efforts support their brand and assess who their customers are, what they look for, what their competitors do, and how their brand meets their customers’ needs.
Customize and Personalize Products
Collecting as much data as possible – including data about retailers’ sales – provides the advantage required to stay ahead of the competition.